mocha overnight oats

Coffee Overnight Oats | Level Up Your Breakfast

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It's no secret that we absolutely love overnight oats. They're a perfect breakfast - quick, healthy, and most importantly, you can add lots of ingredients to them! We've created a delicious recipe for coffee overnight oats that will satisfy any caffeine craving and give you the morning boost at the same time. This recipe makes 2 servings.

Coffee Overnight Oats Ingredients:

  • 1 cup of old-fashioned rolled oats
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1/2 cup of brewed coffee (we used the Level Up blend, head here to see what coffees we have in stock now)
  • 1 tbsp cocoa powder (if you like a mocha)
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • Pinch of salt
  • Optional toppings: chia seeds, chopped nuts, chopped fruit such as banana or strawberry


  1. Stir together the oats, coffee, cocoa powder (if you want a mocha), and salt in a medium bowl or large jar until the oats are fully coated in the cocoa powder.
    coffee overnight oats - Level Up Your Breakfast Measure out your oats
  2. Stir in the remaining ingredients. Cover and refrigerate overnight, or for at least 3 hours.
  3. Add additional toppings and enjoy!

    The Benefits of Using Overnight Oats and Coffee.

Adding coffee to overnight oats is a great way of kick-starting your day in the right way. You'll save time by included your caffeine kick inside your breakfast, and you'll be getting all the great nutrition from the oats along with a 1000+ antioxidants from Balance Coffee. At Balance the coffee we source is healthy, tested for Mould, Mycotoxins and Pesticides which means you're drinking coffee that tastes delicious, but is good for your body too. If you make these coffee overnight oats at home, we'd love you to share it with us (@balancecoffee) on social media using #balancecoffeerecipes. We'll re-share it and give you a special discount code on your next order. Enjoy this article? Sign up to our Balance Coffee Club newsletter below for monthly recipes, tips and hacks that’ll improve your coffee game!